What's New?

July 2015- Dale, Elizabeth and Nick attend the 2015 Piano Technicians Guild Conference and Institute. Dale received the Golden Hammer Award, the highest award the Piano Technicians Guild presents. PTG is the largest international organization of piano technicians in the world. We view this as the highest honor a piano technician can receive and Dale is honored and humbled to receive it.

January 2015- Dale has some health issues that require him to cut back on his work until they are resolved. We will still offer the services we have been providing but may not be able to schedule as quickly as we would like. We thank our loyal customers and clients who have stayed with us all these years for their patience and concern.

October 2-4, 2014 South Central Regional Conference at the Canyon of the Eagles, Burnett, TX

July 16-20, 2014 Dale will be teaching at the Annual PTG Convention and Technical Institute.

May 15-17, 2014 Dale & Elizabeth will teach Grand Regulation in 37 Steps in Kansas City, KS. *cancelled due to illness*

April 24-27, 2014 Dale will be teaching at the PTG Boston NEESCO 2014. *cancelled due to illness*

March 8, 2014- Dale taught at at Metroplex Piano for a joint meeting of the Dallas and Ft. Worth PTG chapters.

July 6-15, 2013 Dale and Elizabeth taught Hands On Voicing at the 2013 PTG Annual Convention in Chicago where their class was sold out months ago. Dale also taught two sessions of Your Money or Your Life, one of which was recorded on video for distribution on the web. They also attended classes along with 600 other technicians from around the world. An exciting educational outing for one and all!

May 2-5, 2013 Elizabeth and Dale teach the second Grand Action Regulation Class along with Chuck Cook, RPT, at the PTG Academy in Kansas City. Ten students from as far away as Singapore and Vancouver, BC participate in the hands on learning ezperience. It is an honor to be a part of this excellent program. Dale and Elizabeth will also be instructors at the 2013 PTG Annual Convention.

November 1-3, 2012- Dale and Elizabeth are honored to be as two of seven instructors selected for the first Grand Action Regulation Academy at the PTG Home Office.  The Grand Action Regulation in 37 Steps course was developed by LaRoy Edwards and Henry Haino for Yamaha Piano of America who generously donated it to the Piano Technicians Guild. Mr. Edwards was present for the initial session to consult with the instructor team.  This class represents a new direction for instruction in piano technology for PTG.

October 15-17, 2012- Dale, Elizabeth and Thomas attend the South Central Regional Conference of the Piano Technicians Guild. Dale and Elizabeth teach a class while Thomas attends his first PTG convention. Dale also serves as SCRC President.

July 9-15, 2012- Dale and Elizabeth attend the PTG Annual International Convention and Institute. Dale was honored to teach a class for the attendees.

January 16, 2012- We are proud to announce a new addition to our staff, Thomas Foster. Thomas will begin training with Dale and Elizabeth, working his way toward becoming a Registered Piano Technician. Welcome Thomas!

July 13-19, 2011- Dale Probst RPT will be teaching four classes at the 2011 Annual PTG International Convention.

November 5, 2010- Elizabeth Ward RPT is recognized as a Certified Installer of Piano Life Saver Systems by Dampp-Chaser Corporation.

July 20, 2010- If you missed our class at the PTG Annual, we will be teaching at the South Central Regional Convention (SCRC) October 7-9, 2010 at the Canyon of the Eagles.

June 27, 2010- If you attended our class at the PTG Annual Convention in Las Vegas, please email us for a PDF copy of our presentation. Thank you for attending the class and we hope you take the quiz and follow through. After all, it is Your Money or Your Life?

May 17, 2010- Ward & Probst, Inc is proud to announce that we will be installing Arledge Bass Strings exclusively. We have found that these strings are of the highest quality and their customer service is excellent. Thanks Chip and James, we are doing this together!

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